Subject: You have a genuine history with your username.
Posted on: 2022-04-19 11:12:39 UTC

Wow, you've been doing it longer than I've been alive lol.

Me, on the other hand? I just smushed "Kitty" and "author" together. It's a relic from my "Kittyauthor" period. If you looked at my usernames from this time, you'll see all of them... are Kittyauthor (or some variant).

Technically, I could go on about how Kitty is a reference to my very first username I chose: KittyCatILoveCat. The last cat was intend to be plural (KittyCatILoveCats) but I ran out of characters. So, KittyCatILoveCat it was. My Minecraft username for a little while. Author in itself is a reference to my love for writing, but that's obvious :P, and a reference to my parents' influence to my writing. They always allowed me to write in peace, which is a thing they did right.


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