Subject: They did do that!
Posted on: 2022-04-28 21:08:54 UTC

Adorably it means we can fix exactly when that line was written: April 21st, 2002. The ban went into place on the 7th, and they gave writers 2 weeks leeway to save their stories off.

Which also means this is one of the stories with a solid timeline date, so I'm pleased with that.

Looking back at the first chapter, I reckon Tick is a good candidate for a Reorganisation-era agent. She was clearly around for a while - she complains about training multiple newbies - and I reckon she was hired in response to the collapse of the Cliched Humor Department in 1998. Bad Parody clearly absorbed the work, and kept its new agent out of the stories to try and avoid her going insane. Given her reaction to the puns in this chapter, it didn't work super well.


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