Subject: I love some of these!
Posted on: 2022-05-16 18:43:55 UTC

"I am a plant"

"I exist"

"I knew that"


"Canon senses tingling!"

"... alterations to canon are painfully (VERY painfully) obvious to you."

"To help flesh out your 'supporting characters' companions are allowed to take drawbacks other than 'The League of MARYSUE Factories.'" (I love the word Allowed here. "You are allowed to take this cube." "No thanks." shoving cube into face "YOU ARE ALLOWED TO TAKE THIS CUBE.")

"You really, really, really won't like that."

"And while coming up with ironic methods of execution and disposal of SUEs is part of the PPC heritage, you tend to take things...a little extra when SUEs or enemies of the PPC are involved. Way, way extra. Like holy [uryy] calm the [shpx] down. Seriously, they're in twenty pieces and mostly charcoal, just let them die already. [Qnza] son." (It's funny that I also read this in a deadpan voice lol)

I would totally play this.


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