Subject: David Null is Chaotic Neutral? I think?
Posted on: 2022-05-23 23:49:44 UTC

He doesn't really care that much about society rules. In English stuff, however, he's Lawful Neutral. "The English rules are rules!" That sorta stuff. But society rules? He ran out of shpxes when it comes to following society's rules. Heck, he wears fairly casual clothes always, breaking both PPC's lax dress code of "anything black" and the school's dress code for teachers. He's supposed to wear semi-formal stuff. He curses (except in front of young teens and children), he actively is displeased by some agents' doings, and he doesn't follow courtsey rules that often. But he is neither good nor bad.

As for anyone else, IDK. I haven't really thought about alignments.


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