Subject: No.
Posted on: 2022-05-25 18:10:44 UTC

Not trying to seem mad or anything, but I think that's a bad idea.

You see, when we note badfic, we don't try and be obvious about it, if that makes sense. We're a badfic-sporking organization, so we have to keep records, but we also try not to call attention to all badfic.

A wiki to list badfic would (and could and probably will) lead to author-bashing, or (at the very least) some sort of flame war between authors and the Wiki. The Horrible section on Fanfic on TvTropes had to be taken down because of Flame and Edit wars, if I recall correctly.

Also, it would lead to a lot of feelings being hurt. It would lead to some people putting up pages just to attack the author of the fanfic. It's just a bad idea, really. Besides, what would really define badfic that would be on a "bad fanfiction wiki?" Here, we typically list in Unclaimed Badfic the type of badfic that can be missioned, with a little blurb on the badness. With a wiki, I'd assue that there would be pages dedicated to the badfic listed (which, I mean, we do, but only those in the Legendary Badfic or Bleepfic catogories, and it's not the sole thing we do), which will cause feelings being hurt, flame wars, and authors attacking, among other things.

I really don't think it's a good idea.

TL;DR: It's a bad idea because it would cause authors to feel hurt and attack the Wiki for being listed, as well as cause flame and edit wars and possibly some other nasty things.


(Also, if any oldbie can weigh in, I'd appreciate. Just to make sure I'm not crossing over any boundaries or anything.)

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