Subject: On Crash Dummys and Deities
Posted on: 2022-06-04 11:01:14 UTC

So I've had a trawl through the Wiki to find an answer on this one and nothing has popped out to me (yet), so hoping someone might be able to offer a hand.

I'm in the process of writing a mission (shock, gasp etc.) and it's a first person fic, hence the use of a Crash Dummy. The problem is the 'Sue also happens to be an uncanonical Goddess in the fandom (RWBY), so could you just assassinate the Crash Dummy relatively normally, thus getting rid of the 'Sue without too much of a problem, or does the Sue's Godhood embue the Crasy Dummy with a similar power level meaning it would need more "oomph" to take it down? Or does it rely solely upon the Rule of Funny (or something similar that I might have missed)?


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