Subject: I have a simpler question about the FfV Creativity Shield.
Posted on: 2022-06-04 14:19:31 UTC

Well, two:

  1. Do we know that badfic posted to FfV actually manifests at all? Or, under Option Two, might the Creativity Shield stop that from happening just like author shields do? I sorta like the idea that the effect of a Creativity Shield is to make words on a page/screen remain merely that.

  2. Assuming it does (since we generally have been), and assuming you could break through it to get into a PPC badfic... are we sure you could get out again? Or does the Creativity Shield prevent anything from a PPC badfic from entering HQ? This is actually the main thing I wondered about Mina's origin. ^_^; 'Cause, like, if Prime Multiverse characters can cross the barrier both ways at will, that's a strange sort of barrier.

That said, I feel like there might be instances of agents interacting with FfV badfics (as opposed to commenting on them like J&A), but I can't remember anything specific right now. Can you?

I suppose it's also possible that the Creativity Shield isn't perfect, and things can very rarely slip through if the stars misalign...?

(And it's also possible that thinking about it this hard at all is what's making it Serious Business. ^_^; )


(Edit: wrong option number.)

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