Subject: re: The Maiden + 20
Posted on: 2022-06-04 20:27:08 UTC

Wooooo, a whole bunch of cameos! It's especially cool seeing Ranger again, and a bit of page time for Robyn, since their spin-off is gone. And I love that the community had a bit of an Infinity War moment to tie everyone together in the wake of the deletion! Hm. "Clefe and Ash," who seem to be spies . . . I don't think I even remember those names. Must be another lost spin-off? : (

Ent disguises were definitely a great choice for this mission. Perfect for hiding in the magic forest, and jump-scaring the Fellowship and Suvian at the end! Shame about that arrow, but it gave the authors an opportunity to introduce Medical, too!

My inner reader voice kept wanting to read "Pangaea" in an Elvish pronunciation, but uh . . . it doesn't come out very well. I love the fact that Honey-Bump and her cubs were left in Middle-earth. There's something calming and peaceful about remembering that these settings with warfare and dark magic still have nice, normal wildlife wandering around, living their lives, raising their young, oblivious to all the awful things humans and humanoids do to each other.

— doctorlit, making a lunch break post

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