Subject: How to read things that aren't PDFs
Posted on: 2022-06-21 02:21:02 UTC

1) so if you bought through Amazon/B&N/whatever, they'll probably make you download their terrible program for your computer and/or phone, or use Adobe Digital Editions, which is also kinda not great. However, it's pretty self-explanatory. Basically follow the directions the store gives you.

2) Sometimes, once in a blue moon, a service will let you download a raw EPUB. Amazon never does this, but they will lie about it and tell you they do. Google makes it pretty convenient if the author has permitted it (I don't know how easy it is to permit it as an author, though...). This is the actual ebook in its pure form, without any nonsense stuck in it to try and keep you for using it however you please. If you have one of these, you can use any ebook reader to read them. On PC, Calibre tends to be the software of choice for both reading ebooks and managing an ebook library. On iOS... well, I don't own one. Can't talk about it. On android, I am partial to Librera Reader Pro, which is $3.50 on the Play Store or free on F-Droid, thus continuing the popular open-source funding model of "it costs money if you want to support the developer or just don't know any better." Anyways, it's barebones and gets out of your way, which is really what I want in an e-reader application.

I am relating all this in case anyone wants to know, because having read both pdfs and epubs, I find the latter a lot more convenient (the text reflows to fit your screen size, you can adjust font and font size and text/background colors to whatever is easiest for you to read... etc).

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