Subject: Vote tally update (as of 2:36 GMT 23/6/2022)
Posted on: 2022-06-23 02:47:52 UTC

If I'm counting correctly, the current tally is:

  • Lily Winterwood: 12, 11 if we don't count Zing's statement about her being a "fine pick".
  • Kittyauthor: 11, 10 if we don't count Zing's statement about them being a "fine pick".
  • Thoth: 7

Scapegrace has 3 votes, but has not yet accepted or declined her nomination. I view my current concerns as more of an abstention than a vote against, especially since Scape has not yet responded to them or accepted/declined the nomination. Additionally, in a previous election, Scape declined to be nominated, so I would find it unfair to foist a Hat onto her before she even has the chance to express her thoughts on being nominated this time around.

Feel free to correct me! I'm worried I might have double-counted someone's vote.

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