Subject: Current Vote Count.
Posted on: 2022-06-23 11:27:01 UTC

Moving my vote count list up for better visiblity.

Active Nominations (aka people who have accepted their nominations):

Lily Winterwood

  1. Kittyauthor
  2. Damian Brighte
  3. Tomash
  4. Vioven
  5. TheBefuddledBookworm
  6. Thoth
  7. Sergio Turbo
  8. Linstar
  9. Iximaz
  10. Aeon
  11. Scarlett
  12. Silv
  13. Huinesoron
  14. Doctorlit
  15. Neshomeh
  16. Zingenmir???


  1. Linstar
  2. Lily Winterwood
  3. TheBefuddledBookworm
  4. Cicada
  5. OrangeFox
  6. Calliope
  7. Iximaz
  8. Aeon
  9. Umbre
  10. Scarlett
  11. Silv
  12. Huinesoron
  13. Doctorlit
  14. Zingenmir???
Neshomeh has abstained from voting on Kittyauthor.


  1. Lily Winterwood
  2. Kittyauthor
  3. TheBefuddledBookworm
  4. Voyd
  5. Calliope
  6. Aeon
  7. Umbre
  8. Scarlett
  9. Silv
  10. Huinesoron
  11. Doctorlit
  12. Tomash
  13. Neshomeh
  14. Iximaz

Conditional Nominations (aka people who have not yet accepted or declined their nominations):


  1. Calliope
  2. Thoth
  3. Kittyauthor
  4. Huinesoron
  5. Neshomeh

  • Lily Winterwood, Linstar, and Silv have abstained on votes for Scape.
  • Doctorlit has voted against Scape.
Declined Nominations (aka people who have declined their nominations):
  • Calliope
  • Doctorlit
  • Scapegrace

Zingenmir is marked with ??? because her comment is not clearly a vote at present.

Let me know if I've missed anyone. I will try to update this post as more votes come in.

Update 13:08 GMT 23/06/22: Added Doctorlit's votes.

Update 15:15 GMT 23/06/22: Added Tomash's additional vote for Thoth.

Update 23:37 GMT 23/06/22: Added Neshomeh's votes.

Update 1:01 GMT 24/06/22: Added Scapegrace's declination of her nomination.

Update 12:11 GMT 24/06/22: Added Iximaz's additional vote for Thoth.