Subject: The Discord Writeoff Volume ??: The First Time In A While Edition
Posted on: 2022-07-29 03:27:09 UTC

Informally and abruptly, the PPC Discord began doing the Write-off. This may or may not once again become a regular thing, and therefore may begin to be announced on the board. For those who are not aware of these (which is fair, we haven't done them in a while), the Write-off is an event in which people are given a short prompt and 30 minutes to write something, anything. After the time is up, we all get together and share what we wrote and provide feedback to each other.

The prompt this time was: "Isn't attachment an interesting thing?" and it was donated to us by Calliope. You are encouraged to give feedback if you want to. And if you like, follow along: spend 30 minutes trying to fill the prompt, post your results, and see about giving feedback.

The responses are as follows:

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