Subject: Also objecting.
Posted on: 2022-08-11 13:40:42 UTC

I admit they may not have much clerical value, but you have to admit, they're kind of fun, right? Seeing how many different continua have seen mission action, and how represented each one is? Plus, as Shirayuki said, we would have to make continuum pages for a bunch of minor ones that may never see much PPC action again. (Pusheen the Cat, You Are Umasou, etc.) We've been pushing against making pages for such minor continua the last few years, but I suppose if the community doesn't mind it so much, we can start doing so?

I'm definitely in favor of ditching the editorial commentary, which is subjective anyway, and only arguably necessary on entries where the original story and mission are both dead links.

—doctorlit/lists OTP

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