Subject: Unfortunately, not everyone's parents are qualified or willing to teach sex-ed.
Posted on: 2022-08-20 14:38:19 UTC

If there's no comprehensive sex education available in school, what happens to all the kids whose parents can't even say "penis" or "vagina" to them with a straight face, let alone discuss menstruation, pregnancy, birth control, STIs, condoms, masturbation, nocturnal emissions, random boners, etc. etc.?

I'll tell you what happens: those kids, especially if they're female and/or queer, are incredibly vulnerable to being taken advantage of simply because they don't know any better and have no one close to turn to for help. If all you've ever been taught is "sex is bad and so are you if you so much as think about it," and the person you're in love with says "don't worry, it's not sex if I just use my mouth," or "don't worry, it's not sex if I put it in your butt," are you going to disbelieve them? And then, if they don't want to stop there and they say "don't worry, if you pee afterward it'll wash the sperm out," or "but I thought you loved me!"... Short, sad story played out far too many times: ignorance leads to bad outcomes.

The fact is that comprehensive education empowers kids to make healthier choices, and too many people will not get that at home because their parents are either too ashamed of the subject or too uneducated themselves to provide it (not to mention the parents who are just straight garbage). Leaving it up to the parents isn't fair to the kids.


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