Subject: Thoughts and notes
Posted on: 2022-08-30 01:42:45 UTC

  • The hunt for breakfast is a very nice starting scene
  • I'm liking RC V
  • Does the "including;" need that semicolon? Something feels off about it
  • Yeah, the Flowers assigning you someone as a partner is a solid reason to be a bit sus. They're definitely trying to create tension
  • Haggling over disguises makes sense
  • Though meta note: I hope you're not hunting through a particular author for material. That's perhaps a bit much
  • (You've got some stray <i> running around in one spot)
  • I'm not sure what exactly's going on with “There’s no explanation that would centrally involve me! At all! Whatsoever!” (and also 'centrally' is probably a typo)
  • Though I do now also want to know why the Words are blury
  • "Sue illogic." sums up a lot of problems, doesn't it?
  • Overall, the contrast between Mina and Carlisle works quite well here so far
  • Mina, if you keep relying on the SEP field, it will fail you at the worst possible time.
  • IHOP is definitely an improvement over the fic
  • The CAD not exploding was a nice touch
  • This fic is definitely referencing My Immortal a lot
  • That's definitely a good combat scene
  • You have "So I am" for "So am I" in the climactic bit
  • The PPC badfic reveal is interesting. I take it we'll see more eventually.
  • Though they did seem to calm down fast. I'm expecting they'll have a longer conversation about this in the future.
  • And yeah, I think you grabbed a solid endpoint
  • And you did a good bit by foreshadowing the lightsaber - I'd figured that was a gag

Overall, this is definitely a solid bit of PPC writing that exposes a bunch of new worldbuilding hooks (do the Flowers know about all this? How'd Mina's parents get their names? etc etc.) and does a good job playing off the agents' contrasting personalities and the nonsense of the fic off for comedy.

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