Subject: re: mission
Posted on: 2022-09-12 18:31:03 UTC

I'm sorry for the long-delayed review; it has been an extremely busy week.

I started relating heavily with Fáelán when he spoke about not wanting to stand out from the crowd and be paid attention to. I always feel very vulnerable and disrespected when zoo guests are staring at me through exhibit windows. And the prospect of being out in public and making someone mad at me by saying the wrong thing, or not having the right expression on my face, is terrifying. But then, Fáelán explained why he feels that way, and it gave me pause. He seems to have rooted his fear in seeing the way other people are treated, rather than his own feelings. And that's rather sad; I want to be left alone overall, but Fáelán seems to want acceptance from others, but thinks he can only achieve that through conformity. I hope Helena can eventually show him that standing out doesn't always lead to negative outcomes! (I'm rather surprised the conversations just stopped at that point; it seems like Helena would have a response to what Fáelán said!)

One minor nitpick, maybe:
. . . for a ridiculous creature mucking up Tolkien universe . . .
I feel like that should be "Tolkien's universe"?

—doctorlit is almost done straightening out the bookshelves after his mom "cleaned" his condo

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