Subject: I think we’ll have to have this discussion as a group
Posted on: 2022-10-09 21:55:06 UTC

(Sorry about the delay; yesterday was kinda hectic)

So, I personally am kinda conflicted on this, since I feel that reposting content from other places kinda defeats the purpose of reviving the Library’s concept; but I’m open to the decision being made by everyone who’s expressed interest in the project.

Seeing that I haven’t received any more yays or maybe!yays; I think it’s time to start internally discussing the issue. Linstar’s email idea is probably the best one, since I don’t want to force him to have to get a Discord if he wants to communicate with the group. My plan is to use Google hangouts to communicate, so if you don’t have a Gmail account, it would probably be a good idea to invest in one. To avoid having people’s contact information plastered on this site, send me your email address via the Asylum contact form (at, and I’ll send an invite to the google hangout.

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