Subject: Yay! You found it! *glomps* (nm)
Posted on: 2022-11-08 20:32:38 UTC
New Momo + Ina mission! by
on 2022-11-08 09:46:56 UTC
Set before the Halloween interlude and shortly after the Elsa-Stu mission; after his mission with Urato, Inasuke is partnered with someone he gets along with far better.
P.S: No, I haven't abandoned the cowrite with Ls; I've informed him that I was working on a new mission at the same time.
re: mission by
on 2022-11-14 00:07:54 UTC
Aw, it was fun seeing Inasuke and Momoka getting along so nicely, before Inasuke started getting jealous of Kaguya! And I'm amused by the idea of Inasuke really, really hoping for a mini of a particular someone . . . and hoping . . . and hoping . . . but the right one never gets misspelled! Alas! And yeah, seeing fic that so blatantly misses the main message of the canon that it ultimately comes to subvert it can be quite frustrating.
—doctorlit is finally getting back on track on the Board, after an absolute hell week!
Well, kind of hard to misspell a name that only has 3 letters 😂 by
on 2022-11-14 00:34:49 UTC
Besides, where did I write Ina as jealous of Guya in the Halloween interlude? (is puzzled)
Not anywhere particular, it's just a vibe i get from the stories set later in your spin-off. by
on 2022-11-14 04:20:40 UTC
Where Inasuke gets frustrated with Kaguya giving Momoka orders, and tries to stand up for her, only for Momoka to take Kaguya's side. I interpreted that as jealousy, but maybe he really does just dislike the master-servant relationship between them?
—doctorlit, possibly misreading the situation
This was very good! by
on 2022-11-08 20:32:11 UTC
I liked the fact that Inasuke was looking for a specific mini, the idea is quite hilarious. The Mirror Chamber malfunction was pretty amusing too.
I think you did quite a good job of incorporating the badfic text into the mission. And yet another Stu with an uncanon species? Wow.
[Unrelated] Is that… the first part of the Rambling Band MST I just found? by
on 2022-11-08 12:24:23 UTC
According to the wiki page, the first part is lost, but now here we are
Congrats! Well done! (Will get to the mission over my weekend (My weekend being Sunday-Monday.).) (nm) by
on 2022-11-12 12:00:54 UTC
Yay! You found it! *glomps* (nm) by
on 2022-11-08 20:32:38 UTC