Subject: December Writing Prompts
Posted on: 2022-12-03 11:18:25 UTC

Yep, they're back.

So, a while ago I used to post monthly writing prompts on the Board and I mentioned doing them again and people seemed to have a positive reaction to that so here they are for December:

- One of your characters accidentally hits something with a snowball.

- A change of schedule causes a last minute flurry of activity.

- One of your characters is involved in a competition.

Just a few things to note:

1) If you want to post your response here, great. If you don't want to post your response here, also great. You do you.

2) While this is the PPC I'm never going to make a prompt be specifically about the PPC. If you want to use your PPC Agents, go for it. If you want to do other OCs or whatever, I'm not going to stop you (not that I really can to be honest). This includes the type of response you want to do. Short story? Great. Haiku? Cool. Twelve page long poem? I might not read all of it, but go for it!

3) These are my own prompts (unless noted), I'd rather they weren't shared about the internet but once again, I can't exactly stop you on that count either.

4) I'm going to be posting (roughly) monthly, but don't be afraid to post your response to a December prompt in January or whenever (if you want to post your responses). There isn't going to be a strict timetable besides "at the start of the month. Hopefully."


P.S. I'm going to start out doing 3 prompts, if you want more or less or you want prompts in a different format to how I'm doing them let me know and I will try to adjust it to fit what people want.

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