Subject: A new writer comes screaming across the sky...
Posted on: 2022-12-28 23:06:20 UTC
Uh, hi. I'm Thunder and this is my first post on this forum! Yay! Guess I should introduce myself.
First contact with the PPC: I found it via TV Tropes. More specifically, I found a link to the sporking of Light and Dark The Adventures of Dark Yagami on the aforementioned badfic's TV Tropes page. This "PPC" thing intrigued me, because I like parodies, and I have been reading sporkings ever since.
Favorite PPC story/character/etc: I particularly like Neshomeh's stories. "The Phantomess of the Opera and the Half-Blood Prince" sporking is probably my favorite so far.
Have I looked at the important stuff: I've gone through the Constitution and the sporking guidelines and such. I'm also slowly making my way through the Original Series.
On to details about me!
Name: I have a lot of internet pseudonyms, but I've chosen to go by Thunder here.
Gender: Nonbinary. I go by they/them.
Country: The US of A, specifically Washington state. Twilight was wrong; it can be quite sunny here, particularly in the summer. It's wet and dreary in the autumn, though.
Personality: Uh, I like snark. And I can also be quite lazy, it's a major flaw of mine. I'm an aspiring author (why else would I be here?) and spend way too much time thinking about characters instead of just sitting down and writing. I'm working on overcoming this, however. Also, I have an autistic and depressed brain, and fiction writing is a special interest of mine that happens to double as therapy/self care.
Fandoms: I'm intimately familiar with Wings of Fire and its fandom. I got into the books in elementary school and I've stayed a fan even as the quality of the last few books have… decreased considerably. I'm also fairly knowledgeable in the Phantom of the Opera fandom, like its tendency to bash Raoul and such. Oh, and I love Cosmere books. Anything by Brandon Sanderson, really. There are also plenty of media I have seen without interacting much with their fandoms. They include… let's see… Animorphs, ATLA, the Grisha trilogy (books), the Magnus Archives, the SCP Foundation, Star Wars (I'm more knowledgeable in Disney Canon than the old EU, although I agree that the sequel films, particularly Rise of Skywalker, were… bad), and probably a lot more that I'm forgetting. I've dabbled in a lot of things.
If it contains dragons that aren't just mindless bad guys, chances are I've seen it or at least heard of it. I know a bit about HTTYD (both books and films, though it's been ages since I've seen them), Temeraire (only read the first book so far, but my sibling has read more), and Dragonriders of Pern, which I'm planning to reread because the last time I saw those books was in middle school. And Wings of Fire, of course.
Currently I have been getting into Discworld (I've started with the Watch novels) and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I'm also reading LOTR because I owe a debt to Tolkien for his influence on fantasy and all that.
I read Harry Potter ages ago and I'm not planning on rereading it anytime soon. Pop culture osmosis helps refresh my memory on it anyway.
You may have noticed that pretty much all the things I'm into are SFF. The sole exception to this is Phantom of the Opera. I can't explain it, either; romance isn't my favorite genre. Maybe it's the mystery/horror aspect. The original novel is my favorite version of the story, after all.
Lust Objects: I'm asexual, so no luck. If I could hug/cuddle someone though, it would probably be Raoul from POTO. He's nice and has suffered way too much from badfics and I bet he's super huggable. I normally hate human contact, but I would totally hug him. He's my Cuddle Object, I guess. Oh, and I'd also hug Whiteout from WoF. She's endearing and us neurodivergents should stick together. She needs a hug, too.
One last thing: I have mentioned a younger sibling of mine, whom I'll call Lightning. They're aware of the PPC's semi-closed status and wants to know if they can mention the group in their stories but not feature them.
That's all I can think of for now. Thanks for everything you're doing!