Subject: "Tell me more about the novel"
Posted on: 2023-04-02 13:07:11 UTC

The Golden Demon novel by Ozaki Kōyō is a classic of Japanese literature that depicts the social changes and moral dilemmas of the Meiji era. The novel follows the lives of three main characters:

  1. Kan-ichi, a poor but talented painter who falls in love with Omiya, the daughter of a wealthy merchant. He vows to marry her after he becomes successful, but faces many obstacles and temptations along the way.

  2. Omiya, a beautiful and innocent girl who loves Kan-ichi sincerely, but is forced to marry Tokihiko, a rich and powerful politician, by her father. She suffers from domestic violence and loneliness, and hopes to reunite with Kan-ichi someday.

  3. Tokihiko, a ruthless and ambitious man who marries Omiya for her money and status. He is also involved in a political conspiracy that threatens his life and career.

  1. Again, Kan'ichi is a high school student.

  2. The other dude's name is Tadatsugu; this is significant, as his full name is supposed to mean "good for nothing outside of inheriting a mountain of wealth".

  3. Miya isn't forced to marry Tomiyama, she decides to, because she secretly wishes she could marry a rich guy. This is important, as Kan'ichi wouldn't have angrily broken up with her and kicked her to the ground otherwise.

Alright, I'm stopping now, because I'm talking about a novel that very few PPCers know about or are interested in.

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