Subject: Oh, wow.
Posted on: 2023-04-06 15:05:23 UTC

I'm fully in agreement on the 'execution matters more than concept' mindset, but... yeah, this could have been done better, I feel.

I'm just kinda surprised at how much this takes the whole point of the first five books - as you said, the main folks were all pretty 'normal' and whatnot, yet could still save the world - and just. Kinda throws that away for 'superpowered dragons cool.' And to be fair, they really can be, and I totally see the appeal! It just probably could have been done without warping the dragonets' personalities a bunch to show off the powers more. The warping's not as bad as it could be for sure (it's mostly Starflight that stands out to me as particularly bad, at least up to where I've read) but... yeah. Something just feels lacking.

...Also, they're using real-world swears? Shame, that - WoF has some funny canon ones to use. And yeah, poor guards. I guess when there's beat-em-up montages scattered about, someone has to be on the receiving end, yeah?

I do find it funny how some of the power dump profiles specify numbers like 'can fly at Mach 2.' Turns the powerscaling neuron in my brain on. Not too relevant, really, but figured it was worth mentioning.

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