Subject: You're not wrong!
Posted on: 2023-04-14 16:23:29 UTC

The difference IMO is that one franchise is defined by the animal sidekick so much as to be named after him, and the other isn't.

Like, the level of disrespect of saying "let's do a spin-off of that show about the talking dog and his friends, but without the talking dog" is higher than saying "let's do a spin-off of that movie about the girl soldier and her friends, but without the talking dragon." But, I admit, not quite as high as trying to do "the one with the girl soldier" without the girl soldier, because sexism is a thing and dog-ism is not. {= P

... Though, come to think of it, I could actually be interested in, say, a series of shorts about Mushu acting as a guardian spirit to Mulan's female descendants through history. Could be a fun way to explore Chinese culture over time provided it was, y'know, good.

Anyway! Sergio makes a good point about Scooby-Doo working because of the teamwork and chemistry between all its characters. Cutting any of them is going to cause problems in a way that cutting side-characters from other franchises wouldn't. I actually spent some time in the shower trying to think of a more comparable Disney film and couldn't, because most if not all Disney films are based on a central protagonist plus sidekicks rather than an ensemble with multiple protagonists who are equally important.

If there IS a Disney film that features a true ensemble and I'm just failing to think of it, let me know!


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