Subject: PLUG: New DOGA mission (& some rereleases)
Posted on: 2023-04-16 08:47:27 UTC

For far too many years there has been a hole in the story of Dafydd Illian and Constance Sims. They met, went on a couple of missions, kissed for the first time... and then a year and a half later Dafydd sacrificed himself for Constance and they went off to get married. Their actual relationship happened entirely off-page.

No more. It may be 19 year late, but I've finally officially gotten them together.

First up, since it has been two decades, some context. The full Tales from DOGA spinoff can be found here, but Dafydd and Constance's story specifically is told in two missions that were... not super great. I've taken the opportunity to patch them up a bit, so this is the immediate context of the new mission:

  • Background: In 2004, Dafydd Illian founds the Department of Geographical Aberrations. His partner is Selene Windflower, but after an incident involving her setting Agent Penny on fire, she is benched for a few months while Dafydd works with Penny's partner, Vemi. Vemi and Penny then leave the PPC, leaving Dafydd slightly at loose ends.
  • June 2004: Two Worlds United (revised 2023) - Dafydd gets sent on his first mission with... Constant Sims? Something like that. (Labyrinth)
  • July 2004: The Blood of Those Betrayed (revised 2023) - Dafydd and Constance have a second mission. (LotR)
  • January 2005: Interlude 2 (unrevised; I think it holds up) - Dafydd and Constance run into each other avoiding a party.

And now the actual point of this post:

February 14th, 2005: The Heir of Feanor

With a title like that, you know Dafydd's gonna kick up a fuss, and Constance is going to be right in there with him.


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