Subject: re: mission
Posted on: 2023-09-26 12:39:13 UTC

Ah, we’re coming up on the end, and Kaguya finally learns what’s been going on! Having the other two ask him to teach them without telling him why is pretty funny, and also probably the reason for him slapping them at the end? I mean, if I were Kaguya, I would have slapped Inasuke anyway, because his accusations that Kaguya is mistreating Momoka must be pretty grating by now. And I appreciate Urato pointing out that Kaguya’s anger mode contradicts his supposed gentlemanly nature, because that is a pretty glaring point of hypocrisy on his part!

I was amused by the details that Urato writes in his own phonetic accent—it feels like just the right level of carelessness for him—and seeing Urato and Inasuke mess with Kaguya’s appearance while he couldn’t stop them in anger mode. (Did Inasuke have to mess with the glasses, though? That’s a low blow!) But most especially, I love the Spam! It feels like a very PPC foodstuff, and a perfect counterpart to flames!

—doctorlit, wolfing down spaghetti, Urato-style

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