Subject: Hey, just because you didn't plan it consciously . . .
Posted on: 2023-11-06 04:09:39 UTC

. . . doesn't mean you didn't plan it unconsciously!

re: the Department of Efficiency, and its cohort, the Department of Author Correction, appear in a future, alternate timeline Huinesoron had written in his End of the Beginning series. (Specifically read "Slippery Slope" and the titles from "Thirty Years On" through "Sacrifice" for the Efficient, and "Trousers of Time" for the point where our timeline prevented the Efficient from rising to power.) The Efficient enforce time limits and other capitalist strictures on agents, punishing those who fail, while Author Correction dissuades bad fanfiction from being created by torturing the authors! It is a bad future, and as you can see from "Slippery Slope" taking place a year before "Trousers of Time," (in 2024!) we're on the cusp of that kind of attitude starting to leak into HQ for a couple years, even though the full blown department won't come to be for us. Hence, my headcanon that George may have contributed to its rise, and heck, might even still be alive during The End of the Beginning?

—doctorlit, thinking way too much about alternate timelines—but it's just so fun!

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