So over in the DIscord we were having a bit of fun (not really lol) checking out this guy, and it's honestly unreal how blatantly messed-up this guy is.
This guy captured and dissected magical creatures and muggles for the sake of scientifically figuring out how magic works. He also discussed with the wizard council the idea of creating a multiversal wizard society to 'conquer death' and 'control... multiple worlds,' which by description would define worth by your power and contributions to society alone. On top of all this, he implied that in order to happen there would have to be 'countless atrocities' towards muggle society in the name of his 'grand plan.' He gladly murders anyone who stands in his way without a care in the world.
Now, you'd think that surely this fic can't be this blatantly evil, yeah? Maybe it's a matter of framing, maybe he's meant to be a villain antagonist to hate as we watch his power and delusions grow?
Doesn't seem that way.
Nothing in the fic implies we're supposed to do anything but consider this guy 'cool,' or some morally grey antihero doing things all for the greater good. In addition, the author's note itself says this is a 'wish-fulfillment' and 'Harem' fic though at least he says in words that it's also 'Gary Stu-type novel,' so there's a smidgen of self-awareness. A smidgen. Even the 'countless atrocities' bit is handwaved as 'inevitable,' with him saying other nations have done bad things before, so why can't he? (Yes, this actually is his reasoning when you boil it down).
So it's a bit of a mess, yeah.