Subject: I don't think there's much we can do about this.
Posted on: 2023-12-22 23:52:11 UTC

I doubt AO3 will do anything. If a more intelligent troll tries to make an actual PPC story (which is probably unlikely, as it hasn't been a real problem in the past), maybe we should try to make it clear in each story's description that the author had Permission, though I'm guessing most people who post missions on AO3 do that anyway.

I'm guessing that this is my fault since I added a link to the category on our TV Tropes page a while back. I'd bet this author was randomly looking up stuff on there and happened to see it and decide to add it to their latest serving of word salad. Yeah, maybe adding that category link wasn't a good idea. Dunno if I should try to edit it out, though.


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