Subject: For some time I had a policy similar to Araeph's, too.
Posted on: 2023-12-24 22:25:25 UTC

I did leave a couple of otherwise very missionable fics alone because the author answered positively to my concrit - in fact, in one case I ended up in a message exchange in which the author proceeded to then ask my thoughts on the parts they hadn't written yet so as to whip those into shape too, and in another case the author went so far to discontinue the original version of his fic (was something like only a couple chapters in) and incorporate my advice in the reboot so as to fix the glaring inconsistencies with canon they had unwittingly introduced.

Proof that a subpar story might not be the result of sloppy work by a self-centered idiot, but simply the early, imperfect work of an inexperienced but earnest author who did the best they could at the time.

I actually don't think I ever ran into someone snapping back at me for leaving a non-stellar review, but I do remember an unsalvageable story being taken down soon after I left a review. It was in no way a scathing one, I mostly pointed out that several of the things they claimed about planes didn't work that way in a polite manner.

Nowadays my policy is to not make "proper" missions based on real badfics anymore (I'm fine with making missions about my old shames or made-up badfics, though, 'cause I still love the PPC setting), but then again my current works are pretty much "outside" the PPC so there's that.

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