Subject: Introduction
Posted on: 2024-01-07 10:35:06 UTC
Hi there!
I've been a long-term reader and figured it's time I signed up for the wild ride. Discovered the PPC many years ago, don't remember how I lockpicked the door to fell into this rabbit hole. Read the constitution and board FAQ, so I'm fairly sure I won't mess up.
Continua I'm familiar with include, but are not limited to, Lord of the Rings (movies only, reading in progress), Inheritance Cycle (guilty pleasure), Harry Potter and My Little Pony. Favorite PPC author would be Iximaz, Zeb's just such a sweetheart.
On the topic of writing, while I do have previous experience, I lacked decent beta-readers so far. Started an MLP fanfic a long time ago, but never finished it because I was ashamed of the lazy execution after a few weeks and just didn't have the energy to rewrite it. I also experimented with short stories in a private shared universe at one point. So, really, I don't know if I'm a decent writer. English is not my native language, but I read and use it a lot.
I think that sums it up. Nice to meet you all.
P.S. Would very much like a link to the Discord.