Subject: It is, somehow, my eleventh Boardiversary.
Posted on: 2024-01-13 19:20:25 UTC

I don't think I have any really interesting reflections on the topic that I want to write out, apart from having thought of Bilbo's hundred and eleventh birthday and now dealing with random lines from the chapter pop into my head, but...cheers, I guess, and happy new year. Time feels fake :P

Also, there is an archiving concept called Records Continuum, and while it has pretty much nothing to do with the PPC, my mind absolutely took it and ran a little ways (since refined a bit with Nesh). Just a fun little thing.

/Sets out virtual flavor-changing cake and waves her dusty PG Hat in lieu of a Happy Boardiversary flag/


PS: I'm likely about to become too busy/tired to respond in any sort of timely fashion, given what I know about my schedule so far for even just the first half of the week, so thanks in advance for any well wishes :) ~Z

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