Subject: Hello again!
Posted on: 2024-01-22 23:42:33 UTC

For recent recs, I think Neshomeh's "Kitty Fever" is pretty fun! Granted, it's from a year ago so I'm not sure it counts as recent, but whatever.

I actually managed a good amount in the last year (two DIA snippets, a mission, a couple of interludes, a Cafeteria flashback piece) but if I had to choose one of my own to rec, I think I'd go with We Do a Little Trolling. It's one of the DIA ones, and the work of two years of procrastination (as one can tell by the Wiki troll I based this entire thing off of getting deleted off the wiki before I finished, and the main character being recruited from a mission over three years old. But I think it came out alright.

(And if I can rec an old one, Soap's entire Flaming Broomsticks spinoff is phenomenal - the most recent one would be The Angsty Story, if I remember right.)

Nice to see you again!

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