Subject: Lack of engagement, yeah.
Posted on: 2024-01-25 18:38:47 UTC

Looking over the page, I think part of the problem is that it was set up for newbies to make the first move in asking for a Big Sib. That's backward. Big Sibs should have the responsibility of welcoming newbies and inviting them into the program first.

But, well, that's a bit like actual work, and not everyone wants their hobby to have responsibility attached. Plus, on average we're a bunch of introverts with social anxiety, and sticking our necks out for someone we don't know yet can be a lot to ask. Speaking just for myself, I tend to informally adopt folks I vibe with in my mind anyway, but I know I'm unreliable, so promising an official obligation is scary. ^_^;

To be successful, the program would probably need someone in charge of it to keep track of who's active and whose turn it is to be the official welcome wagon, at least, but again speaking for myself, the idea of doing that makes me want to hide under a blanket like a little baby, so... yeah. ^_^;

~Neshomeh could never succeed in a corporate career.

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