Subject: re: the Black Reports
Posted on: 2024-03-05 01:44:44 UTC

As I’ve said on the Jenni/Jacques series, I don’t really have any emotional response to . . . gonna say “flirty stuff,” so I sorry I don’t have much to say regarding checks notes the primary focus of this story. But! I did appreciate the disguise generator war as a very amusing gag. (Not one I would want to be part of myself, as my . . . torso is not appropriate for public viewing, but.) If nothing else, it shows that Dafydd and Constance are comfortable enough with each other to, well, cause some wardrobe sabotage. And the nice thing about the wide variety of settings Disney likes to adapt is that gave you quite a variety of costumes/species to play around with. (There’s Fantasia fic? Seriously?) I was especially amused by Constance Uno-reversing Dafydd’s merfolk disguise, as well as the fake-out in the final story after referencing Ajy and Acacia’s invisible mission. I also appreciate Thanduril becoming the adult in the room, and preventing the agents from escalating the disguise war too far. Tough love from the little fire demon! And probably a tough fix for DoSAT afterwards!

Poor Steve and Selene; they really got third-wheeled into the background by this romance, didn’t they? Hopefully they had plenty of adventures of their own going on, and didn’t get stuck in their RCs alone too much. Unless, of course, that’s what they preferred!

Heh. Of course Dafydd would appreciate Fantasia for its musical focus! And I love that each chapter is named for a musical track from the series’s original installment!

Other minor likes on my part:
-Dafydd drinking literal dew from a mountain (but which mountain!?)
-Hades having enough willpower to break out of the fic for the extremely important purpose of criticizing the appearance of a peer
-foreshadowing Disney’s eventual adaptation of “The Snow Queen” into Frozen

New words you taught me:
-lilo: it’s the “windex” of inflatable mattresses!
-kinchin, sort of: Wiktionary’s quote selection indicates that I’ve already encountered this in Oliver Twist, but I didn’t pick it up enough from there to recognize it here.

And a few typos:
The agents strolled through the undefined fix-space until they found a more solid area.
I’m betting that’s an autocorrect from “fic-space”?

"It's a bit worse than slightly legs!"
Is . . . is that an autocorrect of “sightly”? Legs are a bit out of my wheelhouse . . .

"We're supposed to have a mission, Constance said dazedly.
The closing quotation mark was rendered invisible by the broken disguise generator . . .

—doctorlit doesn’t have any legs of his own, and no one here can contradict that (Tomash, Neshomeh, Phobos, Iximaz, GMA, and Thoth, don’t say anything!)

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