Subject: And as a bonus: Final pagecounts and wordcounts!
Posted on: 2024-05-10 14:56:30 UTC
Chapter: Pagecount / Wordcount
Prologue: 21 / 4781
Ch. 1: 19 / 3222
Ch. 2: 11 / 2038
Ch. 3: 10 / 1591
Ch. 4: 11 / 1908
Ch. 5: 11 / 1794
Ch. 6: 13 / 2115
Ch. 7: 12 / 1864
Ch. 8: 12 / 2021
Ch. 9: 12 / 1716
Ch. 10: 10 / 1622
Ch. 11: 17 / 2812
Ch. 12: 11 / 1754
Ch. 13: 7 / 1077
Ch. 14: 8 / 1304
Ch. 15: 27 / 4358
Ch. 16: 4 / 703
Ch. 17: 18 / 2670
Ch. 18: 8 / 1300
Ch. 19: 19 / 3389
Epilogue: 10 / 892
All told: 271 pages, and 44,931 words! Now, the pagecount is a bit misleading since the pages are formatted a little bit differently than most books are. The text is bigger, and the paragraph breaks are as well. You can get away with a lot more compression in a book. But that wordcount! 45,000. That's half a Discworld novel. That's 5.4% of Homestuck. That's a lot more than a little anxious boy like me ever could have expected. And a lot of these words are good! I think the ending's a little rushed, but I'll await final judgement on that.
Many, many thanks to everyone who's been reading so far. Your praise does not fall on deaf ears, and maybe one day I'll even be able to appreciate it.