Subject: I'll try to do that
Posted on: 2024-07-22 02:31:35 UTC
and get stronger ear protection.
Subject: I'll try to do that
Posted on: 2024-07-22 02:31:35 UTC
and get stronger ear protection.
I work next to a nightclub that plays music too loudly; they even have outdoor speakers on the sidewalk playing loud enough to rattle our door every night and sometimes knock things over. I have to wear ear protection, but recently they've installed two more sets of speakers. I'm afraid ear protection will no longer be enough, and my hearing will be completely lost in a few days. We cannot tell them to turn down the volume or they will lose business. I need help in order to cope with almost certain hearing loss.
... I do work in Regulatory, and it sounds like a potential legal problem for someone.
I would suggest taking a decibel meter out there - looks like you can get an app for your phone - and then looking up the legal decibel limits where you live. Purely as an example, in the UK there are protections kicking in from 80dB. If you can use your decibel meter/phone to figure out the volume with ear protection, and demonstrate that it's above whatever your legal limit is, then in theory your employer has to take action.
and get stronger ear protection.
I've got the Optime III at work and they're very good - to the point there's even a company retrofitting them as studio headsets for drummers! Being earmuffs, you can also wear eaplugs under them if thing get that bad but, at that point, the noise reduction you'd be using would be at the point you'd be basically unable to hear anything else so to need that the nightclub would be surely breaking some law.
As Linstar said, though, try to get advice also from your workplace and your relatives and friends. While we can give some advice, we're lackign most of the context so our ability to help is very limited.
This seems like a matter to discuss with your family and IRL friends. I don't think that we, your online buddies, are really equipped to help you out here.
I hope you can find a solution to this issue.