Since I've put Kaguya in lolita outfits twice already, I figured it would be fun to imagine other PPC agents in various flavors of lolita fashion. Do note that I'm not a fashion or lolita fashion expert. I'm only doing this for TOS agents and my own agents; you can feel free to continue the thread for yours.
Since neither Jay nor Acacia are particularly feminine women, I think they'd look best in prince lolita, an explicitly tomboy/masculine style.
Luxury shouldn't wear lolita fashion at all, for obvious reasons.
Makes-Things would look best in steampunk lolita. Prince lolita could work too.
Momoka is wa lolita (like her master) or China lolita.
I'd put Urato in gothic lolita for the sole reason that it'd be funny. He'd probably rock it too.
Inasuke is obviously sweet lolita.
Fáelán is obviously gothic lolita.
It's quite hard to put Helena in any fashion style; she'll just ruin it in two seconds with paint and other art stuff.
Sheen might work with any style except sweet. He has long hair so it could be easier to wear more girly stuff.