Subject: Did someone say my name? ;)
Posted on: 2024-09-21 17:34:16 UTC
You know, about that across the multiverse thing -- it's been weird lately. I hadn't run into any counterparts for ages -- remember back when it seemed to be happening every other week or so? -- and now, out of nowhere, I've got some kind of Twilight theme going on. Two separate counterparts. One vampire, one shapeshifter whose author apparently knew almost nothing about Jack Harkness and just grabbed a couple characteristics to add to a friend for Leah Clearwater within the pack. They're getting along strangely well. Also eating me out of house and home. Send help.
-J x
((Nope, not kidding, those were both RP concepts a while ago. The werewolf was kind of just sick of the whole canon storyline by the time he'd been in the PPC for a bit, and the vampire had a whole character arc in his home canon essentially regaining a chunk of his humanity despite having the very creepy power of influencing people to like him within a certain proximity to him and not being able to turn it off completely, even once he taught himself how to get it to very low levels, until he gained access to disguises in HQ. Would the two get along? I think they mostly might, out of sheer curiosity about meeting a sort of counterpart. Does this have anything to do with the conversation at hand? Not currently, but Jacques and his counterparts got mentioned, so I figured I might as well :P
Also: Horc XD X'D I remember this published fanfic, if not much detail. Horc is just...exactly the snort I needed today, I think. Glad you put it in your comment below, because I had not remember it. ~Z, hopefully not off topic in an unwelcome way; unfortunately don't have the spare energy and attention to wrap my head properly around the multiversal theory conversation right now, especially with an assignment I need to work on))