That being said, I really like the way that the characters are written. Jon, the "main" POV character for most of the show, has flaws that are established fairly early on, and though as part of his character development he overcomes them to an extent, they're still there and still lead to him making mistakes that affect the plot in meaningful way. This applies to the other characters as well, but I can't get into that too much because of spoilers. Oh, and as I said in my original post there's really good queer rep: Jon (like me!) is ace, and there are multiple queer relationships in the show as well (which I sadly can't talk about because of the dreaded spoilers).
My main criticism as such is that the main plot takes a little while to get going - you're introduced to most of the main cast by the end of season one, but you don't get to see them interact with each other in scenarios that aren't "someone interrupting Jon while he's recording a statement" until season two starts. Season one is still really good though - though it seems to be very episodic to begin with, most if not all of the weekly stories do tie in to the wider narrative, and it's fun trying to piece together aspects of the show's lore before you're "meant" to find them out.
Also, bonus in case you're from the UK: a lot of the episodes are set in real places, all of which have been really well researched - one of the episodes is set in a place that I've been to before, and it was clear that the writer had actually researched or been to the place rather than just used it as a vague backdrop for the events of the episode. It gives the the stories a more genuine, grounded feel despite the cosmic horrors going on.
Do let me know if you start listening, I love hearing what people think as they're going through it!