Subject: March Madness - half-way point!
Posted on: 2010-03-18 01:53:00 UTC

I don't expect many replies tonight, since you're all probably out being Irish (as age restrictions permit), but as the resident teetotaler, I don't really care. {= D So, here we are.

For those of you who may have missed the memo, two weeks ago I threw down a challenge to write a mission if you have Permission, or just write anything at all, as long as you complete it during the month of March. Could be something you've had on the back burner, half-finished, mostly finished, completely new, whatever--just so long as it gets finished and made available to read before midnight of March 31 in whatever your time zone happens to be. There is no word count. There is no word limit. Just get it done!

For those who make it, I am offering your choice of fabulous prizes! I will:

a) beta-read your piece (since I'm not requiring entries to be beta-read ahead of time);
b) draw something for you (e.g. a character or simple scene);
c) write a drabble about the topic of your choice (provided I know what you're on about).

Only one reward per person, though, because I want to get them all done sometime this year. Make sure to tell me what you want when you plug your piece! For things completed before this post, go ahead and tell me what you want in a reply here. I'll start a list.

For the record, I have finished my interlude, but I'm going to wait before posting. Partly this is because I have plenty of time and other things to worry about, but also because I was silly and sent it off to bother Sedri before I remembered my own challenge terms. But then again, I haven't got anyone offering me fabulous prizes, so perhaps it's okay. Or maybe my brain is made of feathers. >.>

Meanwhile, how are the rest of you doing? Have you selected your target? Entered the fic? Alternatively, have you chosen your subject? Characters going where they're supposed to go? How far are you? Inquiring minds well, just mine, really want to know!


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