Subject: Re: Questions.
Posted on: 2010-03-17 08:26:00 UTC

  1. Only if there is a well thought out plot related reason for it.

    1. Because... ... You know, I haven't words for this. You do *know* our MO, right? Protect the canon from the Suefluence, etc? World One is the canon of canons; it's reality. It's the canon within which all other canons are formed. It's the canon most agents come from. It's the canon that has, like, biology and physics and shit that, er, works. We abandon it at our peril, because to abandon World One is to abandon logic and sanity and maths and physics and biology and pretty much everything that gives one a basis by which to judge a deviation from canon.

    If you have to ask this, I feel you may be missing something. Rereading is in order.

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