Subject: Re: how do I hide aboard a sailing ship?
Posted on: 2010-03-09 07:06:00 UTC

In plain sight. Cargo bay is a risky possibility, but the fact remains you have to find a way to feed yourself and find water. If your in the ocean, chances are people will notice if it goes missing, and there will be a search.
If they are coast hugging, it will be rather easier, but on a small ship you will likely have trouble. As they are pirates, there is likely a hidey hole beneath the floorboards or in a similar hard to discover area where they keep valuable cargo, but it depends how often they check on it, and the aforementioned issue of supplying yourself.
All in all, I would recommend your best chance is some sort of disguise. If you can't make them open up to you, pretend to be someone they can't dislodge, either out of fear or respect.
- It is a tough question.

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