Subject: First poke!
Posted on: 2010-03-09 02:47:00 UTC


And no more rhymes now, I mean it. {; p

Let's see... it doesn't look like you've been hit with a Bag o' Links yet, so I'll give you some. First, if you have not done so, you should read the PPC Board Constitution, which we expect everyone to abide by when interacting with the community. After that, you should also read the Wiki article about Permission if you want to write PPC stories. Other helpful writings can be found by looking through the PPC Intro Pages tab on aforementioned Wiki. Finally, you should absolutely take the time to read the Original Series (not to be confused with Star Trek), since it is essentially our canon material and sets the tone for what we do and how we do it.

So much for required reading. I personally recommend the contents of the PPC Lost Tales archive, since it is the only place to see some of the things written contemporarily with the OS since GeoCities fell through the Veil. (I also maintain the site, so please let me know if you spot any errors or want to help out!) I also recommend the Official Fanfiction University of Middle-earth and, since you're a Potter fan, the Hogwarts Fanfiction Academy. The OFUs are separate from the PPC, but there is a long history of friendship between them and us, and therefore many in-jokes traded back and forth.

I also notice that you are an artist. Are you on deviantART, by any chance? You'll find me at, if you're interested.

On a semi-related note, making multiple threads in a row is discouraged, since it pushes old threads off the bottom of the page, making them more difficult to access. If there is already a thread where your new post would fit (in this case, this one), we'd prefer you put it there. {= )

But that's enough for now. I'm neglecting my own writing challenge (see down-page), so I shall be getting back to that.



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