Subject: Happy Anti-Valentine's Day.
Posted on: 2010-02-15 00:17:00 UTC

Couldn't care less?
Yeah, me too.
Seriously, it's been months since I've read a book or seen a movie in which nobody ended up in a romantic relationship with anybody else. I'm not suggesting that romance should be entirely purged from the media, but really. I find myself muttering under my breath, "Gah! Stop looking at him with 'a new understanding'! Just go off and stab some monsters! That's why you were written! And you! It doesn't matter if you upset her, because she's an idiot! Quit worrying about it!" It's like, no character goes through a novel without acquiring a significant other. If they're gay, that is the whole story and there's no plot other than "can we be gay or not?" and in the end they can, hurrah, caviar all around. Every story needs to have twu wuv in it somewhere. Discuss?

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