Subject: But they are.
Posted on: 2010-02-16 05:54:00 UTC

They're convenient (if you like them), they're mass-produced, they're disposable, they're optional, and it's entirely possible to get along without them--not to mention the fact that they're nasty, nasty things. I saw a demonstration once where they dropped one in a clear cup of water for a few minutes, and the amount of filaments and fibers left floating around in the water when they took it out was scary.

Got slightly off-point there. Anyway. I know of at least one place to get washable, reusable items to replace tampons and pads, too: Been meaning to give 'em a shot myself. Although they're pricey at first glance, they would save money in the long run, and also be more sustainable.

Er, sorry if this topic bugs anybody. I felt that it bore elaboration, since we began with sustainability. ^_^;


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