Subject: Hello there =D
Posted on: 2010-02-04 19:47:00 UTC

Hiya, it's another newbie!

I found the PPC through some aimless web surfing and subsequently laughed my way through the original series and a few other missions, then found the wiki. It seemed right up my street - after all, who wouldn't love the chance to use as much violence as they like in disposing of a Sue? Mwahaha... So, I thought I'd introduce myself, and maybe be able to write a mission or two of my own one day (that is, if I can whip any of the characters hiding in my brain into shape!)

I'm into rather a lot of fandoms, but the ones I'm most obsessed with at the moment are LotR, Doctor Who, Larklight by Philip Reeve (Not that there's much of a fandom for it or it's sequels), and the Bartimaeus Trilogy, which is pretty much made of awesome. Oh, and Redwall :D

I also like zombies rather a lot. And living history. Not usually together, but that would be interesting! You may have noticed I'm a little off my trolley, but that seems to be fine here!

Well, that was a long intro. Apologies =D

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