Subject: Stargate Atlantis
Posted on: 2010-02-02 01:38:00 UTC

Season 3 episode 3 "Irresistible"

This episode first introduces Lucius, played by Richard Kind. The character is annoying, obnoxious, loud mouthed, rude, and overly intimate (not so much in a sexual way, though he does have something like 5 wives-more in a I know everything about your life and you want me to way.)

Yet everyone loves him almost instantly. Not just loves him, but would die for him, would protect him from any insult or discomfort-however slight, and pines for him whenever he is gone. Everyone except Shepherd who has been shown to have an awful cold since before Lucius shows up.

Lucius turned out to have some kind of formula that sort of intoxicated anyone that smelled it. It was sort of like a love potion that worked on everyone around the person taking it. Shepherd kidnaps Doctor Becket and keeps him long enough for the effect to wear off and Becket to work his magic (medical magic) to negate the effect. People were not particularly happy with Lucius when they sobered up. Especially not the people of his home village.

Also, the 5th season episode 4 of Stargate SG-1 titled "The 5th Man" involved an alien that exuded a chemical that made a person coming in contact with it susceptible to the suggestion that the alien was in fact someone they knew and had good reason to not kill. In the case of this episode that the alien was a relatively new 5th member of the team. I don't think the alien really counted as a Mary Sue (well Marty Stu-it took on a male persona), as the only reason it did this was because the Jaffa were tracking it down and trying to kill it. It eventually fessed up, and tried to lead the Jaffa away so the team could escape. They used the distraction to kill off the Jaffa and save the day. The alien went off to a rendezvous with others of its kind to continue hiding from the Jaffa.

I think Lucius definitely counts as a Marty Stu though. His Stufluence was mighty strong.

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