Subject: Well, my very first fanfic was dreadful.
Posted on: 2010-01-27 02:03:00 UTC

I was about twelve, maybe younger. It was for Star Wars, and it was awful. I think I wrote three little stories at once at that point, and they were all just plain BAD attempts to 'fix' what I didn't like about Padme and Anakin's story. I can't remember the titles I gave them anymore, and I most certainly deleted them - along with the author account and the related email address. I wanted to completely wash my hands of it.

I also remember making up an original character, Ciorina, who was a standard Lord of the Rings Mary Sue, at about the same time, and to my own credit, I looked through the hobbit family trees in order to find a plausible great-grandparent for her, but she was half elf and half hobbit, so I grovel in shame nonetheless.

(That said, missions should be FUN! If you're avoiding them, then they're obviously not being fun. Make them fun, or put them aside. You're not on a deadline.)

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