Subject: Jasper Fforde.
Posted on: 2010-01-23 05:13:00 UTC

Recently, I received a full set of the Thursday Next series. Shortly after, I learned of the PPC. It actually kind of saddens me that there are all of five fanfictions for the series (and none of them warrant sporking), because I would so dearly love to see a mission in that continuum.

You see, the two worlds would go so well together. Think peanut butter and chocolate, or bleach and aspirin. Heck, the PPC could well be a sister organization to Jurisfiction. Jurisfiction is the policing agency within books: they protect the canon from the intrigues, crimes, and disagreements that occur behind the scenes. They also repair the damage to canon produced by fanfiction (among other things). We protect those same canons from outside invaders, and keep the damage from bad fanfic contained. (Actually, when you get right down to it, the TN series is about fifty percent crossover fanfiction, just with public domain characters). It would certainly provide a huge recruitment pool- almost every Jurisfiction agent would make a perfect PPC agent.

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