Subject: Re: Big Sib, Little Sib
Posted on: 2010-01-13 16:25:00 UTC

I can be adopted? Wheee! *bounces happily*
*serious on*
Actually, I feel a lot like being adopted or at least helped a little.
The main thing is fo course getting into this whole PPC stuff and to have someone I can drive (even more) insane with useless questions.
There is another thing though; as I am not native to English, I sometimes have trouble with colloquials, grammar rules or Big Words and thus wouldn't mind someone help me a little in that department.
I hope this is the right thread to post this, if not, kindly ignore my babbling.
*serious off*
Yay! Someone adopt me! *puppy eyes*

Am I going insane already? Haven't behaved like that in a long time. Maybe I had to much chocolate...

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